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I. Purpose

A. 十大菠菜靠谱老平台我们院(“学院”)对优质教育的主要承诺需要对教学效果进行持续的规划和评估, 包括但不限于对教员的评价.

B. This Full-Time Faculty Performance Evaluation Procedure (“Procedure”) establishes the process for reviewing full-time faculty performance related to teaching effectiveness and equivalent academic support; professional development; departmental service; and College and/or community service through ongoing career conversations and formal evaluations at specified intervals.

C. The elements of full-time faculty performance review include student data and student opinion forms, peer reviews and observations, 以及行政评估.

II. Scope and Applicability

A. 本程序适用于所有全职教员, including tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, and term contract faculty.

B. 本程序不适用于兼职教师或特殊期限合同教师.

C. This Procedure applies to all performance evaluations of full-time faculty on or after August 16, 2023.

III. Definitions

A. 本程序中所有大写术语的含义如下:

1. 学术支持效能是指非教学活动和支持服务, 哪些因素有助于学生的学业成功, including but not limited to, librarian duties, tutoring, 并选择资助活动.

2. AVPL是学习和学术事务的副总裁.

3. Business Day is any day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or day that the College is closed, such as holidays, spring break, winter break, 或其他日子,学院宣布关闭.

4. 职业对话是指教师和导师之间就教师在评估领域的表现进行的讨论.

5. Career Conversation Worksheet means a summary of the Career Conversation completed by the Supervisor.

6. College and/or Community Service means contributions to College and community at large, 重点是参与程度, 在现役的质量和数量上. 这些活动的例子包括但是, are not limited to, participation in or leadership of College committees; participation in student advising; initiation of, participation in, or leadership of student activities; initiation of, participation in, or leadership of other College sponsored activities; contribution to carrying out administrative responsibilities; initiation of, or participation in, community activities related to the individual’s teaching area; and/or distinctive achievements in community activities.

7. 课堂访问是指由同行评估员或主管或指定人员对教员的课堂进行正式的课堂观察, 包括完成课堂访问表,以评估教师的教学效果.

8. 课堂访问表是指在正式的课堂访问后,由同行评估员或主管完成的经部门批准的文件,目的是评估教师的教学效果.

9. 课程资料:指经选定的服务评审期间课堂教学使用的具有代表性的一套资料, prepared, 和/或由教员单独修改, including but not limited to, syllabi, lesson plans, examinations, assignments, projects, handouts, rubrics, assessments, feedback instruments, course presentations, multimedia resources, and so on.

10. 部门服务是指对部门目标的贡献. 这些活动的例子包括, but are not limited to, participation in course and curriculum development; participation in department committees; development of instructional materials or facilities; recruitment of students, faculty, and/or staff; and/or leadership in departmental activities and/or special projects.

11. Evaluation Areas include Teaching Effectiveness and/or Academic Support Effectiveness; Professional Development; Departmental Service; and College; and/or Community Service.  学院的价值观和机构优先事项, such as antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion, 基本的职业属性, 比如同僚合作和专业精神, are central to quality faculty work and should be taken into consideration in each Evaluation Area.

12. 教师评论表是指由VPL批准的文件,教师可以使用它来回应职业对话或正式评估.

13. Faculty Member means the full-time faculty member who is subject to evaluation under this Procedure.

14. 教员同行委员会指两(2)或三(3)名同行评价者, 根据以下教员同侪委员会部分选出.

15. Formal Evaluation means a comprehensive evaluation of a Faculty Member to include Classroom Visits, a review of Course Materials, a Peer Review, 主管或其指定人员为考核绩效而进行的复核.

16. 非周期正式评估是指在下列正常时间表之外进行的正式评估.

17. PAT手册是晋升和任期委员会手册.

18. 同行评估员是指被任命或选出来对教员进行同行评议的教员.

19. Peer Review means a required component of a Formal Evaluation, which includes the following:

a. 两(2)个或以上班级的课堂访问;

b. A review of Course Materials;

c. A review of 专业摘要表格; and

d. 由教员同业委员会提交一份同业评估报告.

20. 同行评估报告是指由教员同行委员会评估的教员表现摘要,作为正式评估的组成部分, 使用经部门批准的表格,并按照《十大菠菜靠谱老平台我们》所载的指引填写.

21. 专业发展是指专业活动的证据, accomplishments, 教员自上任或上次晋升以来取得的成绩, Formal Evaluation, or Career Conversation. 专业发展活动是那些工作的任务,以提高和提高教师的知识, skills, 以及支持学科专业知识的能力, pedagogy and student learning, 制度卓越(大学价值观), mission and strategic plan), 以及领导能力或其他专业知识和技能. 这些活动的例子包括, but are not limited to, graduate work completed at regionally accredited institutions; research; professional publications, exhibitions, performances, etc.; membership and participation in, or leadership of professional organizations; workshops; and/or activities that qualify as equated credits, 根据相等信贷指引确定.

22. 专业发展计划(“PDP”)是一个动态的目标设定工具,支持短期和长期的教师专业发展, 符合学院的价值观, mission, 和战略计划,并纳入目标与教师的职业发展周期,包括晋升和终身教职.

23. 专业总结表是指用于记录和持续更新教师活动的文件, accomplishments, 及/或与评估范畴有关的成就, 晋升和终身职位要求, 并为持续改进而努力.

24. 主管系指副院长或主任, 如果报告线上没有副院长的话, 教员向谁报告工作.

25. Teaching Effectiveness means the successful engagement of the College’s students in learning, communicating, and connecting; faculty feedback provided to students; using evidence-based, 支持多样性的包容性教学法, equity, inclusion, and antiracism; fostering knowledge, skills, and a spirit of inquiry; using of accessible Course Materials; and demonstrating excellence in teaching through subject matter expertise and lifelong learning.

26. VPL的意思是教务长/副总裁的学习.

27. 书面的或in writing的意思是以信件的形式, document, 电子邮件或电子通讯或传输.

IV. Career Conversations

A. 正在进行的职业对话的目的是:

1. 通过基于优势的对话,支持教师在评估领域的成功和改进;

2. 通过反思来鼓励成长的心态, planning, problem solving, and candid and constructive feedback; and

3. 指导和促进教职员的专业发展, aligned with observed strengths, 成长和持续改进的机会, 在学院内外的专业发展, and the College’s values, mission, and strategic objectives.

B. Documents for Review

1. At least five (5) Business Days prior to the Faculty Member’s scheduled Career Conversation, 教员将填写并提交一份专业总结表和当前的PDP给导师,除非教员是在他们工作的第一年. PDPs that are more than three (3) years old must be completed on the most recent PDP Form.

a. 主管将为在学院全职工作第一年的全职教员指定完成专业总结表和PDP的截止日期.

b. 教员的PDP可以在任何时候由教员或根据导师的建议进行修改, 但根据教师不断发展的需求和专业发展目标,至少每三(3)学年一次.

2. The Faculty Member may submit additional data to the Supervisor for any Career Conversation.

3. 主管可以访问其他数据,以便为职业对话提供信息, including but not limited to, 有关教职员在委员会服务的信件, 以及这些数据是否将作为监督员评估的一部分, must be provided to the Faculty Member at least two (2) Business Days prior to the Career Conversation.

4. 从学生那里收集的信息用于职业对话和正式评估, 包括但不限于学生意见表, student success rates, and course success data, 仅用于指导和为职业对话提供背景和反馈, 确定加强或修改教学和/或学术支持的策略, 或者从事持续改进.

C. Schedule

1. 每位导师每学年将与每位导师指导的教员进行两(2)次职业对话, 每次职业对话都应该涵盖自上次职业对话发生以来的时间.

a. 每学年8月16日至10月15日, 主管将与教师进行秋季职业对话.

b. 每学年四月一日至六月十五日, 导师将与教职员进行春季职业对话.

2. 在春季职业对话之前, 在学院工作的第一年,所有教员都需要进行导师课堂访问和/或同行课堂访问,导师将在春季职业对话期间提供课堂访问的反馈.

D. Attendance

1. Except as stated below, only the Faculty Member and Supervisor may attend the Career Conversation.

2. 应教职员或主管的要求, HR可以参加教员的职业对话.

3. 导师可与学术主席协商, 系终身教授, the Dean, the AVPL, and/or any other employee the Supervisor deems appropriate prior to conducting a Career Conversation.

4. 如果教员被联合任命到一个以上的部门,或者被给予释放时间在另一个部门履行学术支持职责, 主要任命的主管将与该教员共同任命或履行学术支持职责的其他部门的主管和/或学术主席协商,以便主管可以就其他任命或职责提供反馈.

E. Career Conversation Worksheet

1. 在职业对话之日起的十(10)个工作日内, the Supervisor will complete the Career Conversation Worksheet and send it to the Faculty Member.

2. 如果主管认为教员没有达到预期, 导师可以在职业对话工作表中选择要求进行非周期正式评估的选项,并提交非周期正式评估的请求, 按照下一节的规定.

F. Faculty Member Comment Form

1. 在导师将职业对话工作表提交给教员后的十(10)个工作日内, 教师可以通过电子邮件或办公室间邮件向主管和AVPL办公室提交教师评论表,对职业对话工作表提供书面答复.

2. 在收到教员的书面答复后的十(10)个工作日内, the Supervisor may, 由监理人自行决定, 根据教师的意见对职业对话工作表进行修改,并向教师提供一份修改后的职业对话工作表.

3. 在这十天过去之后, 修改后的职业对话工作表, if any, will be final.

4. There is no right to appeal or grieve the content of the Career Conversation Worksheet.

G. 签署职业对话工作表

1. 在职业对话工作表完成后的十(10)个工作日内完成, 教师必须在职业对话工作表上签名, physically or electronically, to acknowledge that the Faculty Member has received and read the Career Conversation Worksheet.

a. 在职业对话工作表上签字并不表示教师同意收到的反馈.

b. 教员未在职业对话工作表上签名不会影响职业对话的有效性.

H. Within five (5) Business Days of the Faculty Member signing the Career Conversation Worksheet, 导师将提供一份职业对话工作表给教员,并填写并提交确认表, 包括一份职业对话工作表, to the AVPL, who will store the records in the evaluation materials file in accordance with the College Manual.

I. AVPL将跟踪和监督每个主管完成职业对话并提交确认表.

J. 每位主管将向相应的院长和/或AVPL通报他们所监督的教员的职业对话状态.

V. 非正式的教学观察或活动

A. 教员未被安排参加正式评估的任何一年, 鼓励该教员邀请其他教员, their academic chair(s), 或其导师进行非正式的教学观察或活动,以获得教师的教学效果和/或学术支持效果的反馈.

1. 在学院工作的第一年,教师必须在其工作的第一年由其主管进行至少一次非正式的教学观察.

2. 主管可以在提前十(10)个工作日通知教员的情况下对教员进行非正式的教学观察.

B. 非正式的教学观察或活动可能包括, but are not limited to, teaching squares, flipped observations, 另一位学院员工的非正式观察, or informal mentoring.

C. 导师将在职业对话期间讨论非正式教学观察或活动的机会.

D. 与教师一起进行非正式教学观察或活动的个人可以为教师提供反馈的书面摘要,或者教师可以提供书面摘要, 反映他们的观察或收到的反馈.

VI. Formal Evaluation

A. 正式评估的目的是:

1. 为教员提供正式的和文件化的反馈,以支持持续改进;

2. 提供教师在评估领域的正式表现记录,以供专业发展和考虑晋升, tenure, tenure-track, multi-year contracts, and/or teaching awards; and

3. 做出明智的人事决定,包括重新任命, promotion, tenure, and continued employment.

B. Formal Evaluation Schedule

1. 新入职的教师将在入职的第二年和第五年接受第一次正式评估.

2. Thereafter, an untenured Faculty Member will receive a Formal Evaluation every four (4) years.

3. 一旦教员获得终身教职, 教员将每六(6)年接受一次正式评估.

4. 晋升、终身教职和终身教职

a. 每一位申请晋升的教员, tenure-track, and/or tenure must have received a Formal Evaluation within twenty-four (24) months prior to applying.

b. 申请前二十四(24)个月内未收到正式评估, the Faculty Member will notify the Supervisor of the need for an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, 主管将负责完成非周期正式评估.

c. 完成非周期正式评估, the Faculty Member’s Formal Evaluation schedule will reset to the applicable time period (i.e., 非终身教职人员的非周期正式评估年度起计四(4)年,终身教职人员的非周期正式评估年度起计六(6)年。.

d. The peer review component of the Formal Evaluation will be used in the application for promotion, tenure, or tenure-track, in accordance with the PAT Manual and does not need to be repeated for purposes of such application, 除非在教师提交申请时, more than twenty-four (24) months has passed since the Faculty Member’s last Formal Evaluation.

e. 提交正式评估的专业总结和PDP可用于申请终身教职, tenure-track, 或根据PAT手册进行推广.

5.  AVPL将根据本节规定的时间表跟踪和监督每位教员接受正式评估.

C. Faculty Peer Committee

1. 教学的同伴评价是教师评价的重要组成部分,需要通过课堂访问观察教学方法, review of Course Materials, 以及对这些观察结果的书面评估.

2. In an academic year in which the Faculty Member is required to have a Formal Evaluation, 同行评价者将被选为教员同行委员会的成员, 除非该教员正在考虑晋升或终身任职,否则应按照院系规定办理, in which case the Faculty Peer Committee will be selected in accordance with the PAT Manual.

3. To the extent practicable, diversity, equity, 在选择同行评价者时,将考虑是否包括在内, including the possible selection of Peer Evaluators outside of the Faculty Member’s discipline.

4. The Faculty Member will be informed of the members of the Faculty Peer Committee in writing.

a. Within five (5) Business Days of being informed of the members of the Faculty Peer Committee, 教员有权要求任命一(1)名根据院系规程或PAT手册选出或任命的同行评估师的替代者.

b. If requested, 必须选举或任命另一名同行评估员, and the Faculty Member will be informed of the name of the substitute member in writing.

5. 在通知教员同行委员会成员后的五(5)个工作日内, including any substitutes, if requested, the Faculty Member will provide the following to the Faculty Peer Committee and the Supervisor:

a. 自上次正式评估以来,教员的专业总结,除非同行评估是为了晋升和/或终身职位, 在这种情况下,教师将根据PAT手册提供专业摘要;

b. The PDP; and

c. The Course Materials.

D. Peer Review

1. 同侪课堂参观及课程资料检讨

a. 同行评估员将根据院系协议观察教员所教授的课程, 除非该教员正在考虑晋升或终身任职, 在这种情况下,同行评估员将遵循PAT手册.

b. 同行评估员将在进行课堂访问前不少于五(5)个工作日发出通知, 除非教师同意提前日期.

c. 同行评估员将按照院系协议填写并提交《十大菠菜靠谱老平台我们》给学院同行委员会, 除非该教员正在考虑晋升或终身任职, 在这种情况下,同行评估员将遵循PAT手册.

d. The Peer Evaluators will review and evaluate the Course Materials for Teaching Effectiveness.

2. Peer Evaluation Report

a. 教师同行委员会将审阅课堂访问表格, the Course Materials, 以及自上次正式评估以来的专业总结, 除非同行评估是为了晋升和/或终身职位, 在这种情况下,教员同行委员会将遵循PAT手册.

b. The Faculty Peer Committee is strongly encouraged to provide feedback on all Evaluation Areas.

c. The Faculty Peer Committee will complete and submit the Peer Evaluation Report to the Faculty Member.

3. Peer Review Discussion

a. 至少有一(1)名教员同行委员会成员将与教员讨论同行评估报告中的信息及其发现,以支持教员的持续改进.

b. 同行评估师和教师将签署同行评估报告,以确认教师收到报告, read, and discussed the Peer Evaluation Report with at least one (1) member of the Faculty Peer Committee.

c. 教员应在讨论后十(10)个工作日内向导师提交一份已签署的同行评估报告副本.

d. 同行评议自提交同行评议报告之日起二十四(24)个月内有效, 除非PAT手册另有规定, 对于正在接受晋升或终身职位审查的教员.

E. Supervisor Review

1. Supervisor Classroom Visit

a. 主管将进行一次课堂访问,并观察至少一节由教员讲授的课程.  如果主管无法完成课堂访问, 主管可以要求院长或AVPL指定另一名员工进行主管的课堂访问.

b. 主管或指定人员将在进行课堂访问之前至少提前五(5)个工作日发出通知, 除非教师同意提前日期.

c. 主管或指定人员将填写部门课堂访问表.

2. Supervisor Review

a. 主管或指定人员将审阅同行评估报告, the Classroom Visit Forms, the Course Materials, 专业摘要表格, the PDP, 以及最近有关该教员在委员会任职的信件.

b. The Supervisor or designee will complete and submit the Formal Evaluation Form to the Faculty Member.

c. 如果主管认为教员没有达到预期, 导师可以在正式评估表上选择要求进行非周期正式评估的选项,并提交非周期正式评估请求, 按照下一节的规定.

3. Formal Evaluation Meeting

a. 教员收到正式评估表后, 主管将与教师会面,讨论正式评估表中的信息.

b. Except as stated below, 只有教职员和主管可以参加正式评估会议.

c. 应教职员或主管的要求, 人力资源经理可以参加教员的正式评估会议.

d. 导师和教员将讨论并记录PDP的任何修订.

e. The Formal Evaluation Form and meeting shall take place prior to June 15 of each academic year.

f. 应导师或教职员的要求, 院长或AVPL出于正当理由可以延长此截止日期.

g. 在该教员接受正式评估的那一年, 正式评估将代替春季职业对话完成.

h. 在正式评估会议召开之日起十(10)个工作日内, 主管可修改正式评估表, 由监事自行决定, 并将正式评估表提供给教员.

F. Faculty Member Comment Form

1. 在与监理人会面后的十(10)个工作日内, 教师可以通过电子邮件或办公室间邮件向主管和AVPL办公室提交教师评论表,对正式评估表提供书面答复.  主管是否在正式评估会后对正式评估表进行了修改, 导师将修订后的正式评估表提交给教员后,十(10)个工作日开始.

2. 在收到教员的书面答复后的十(10)个工作日内, the Supervisor may, 由监理人自行决定, 根据教员的意见对正式评价表进行修改,并向教员提供一份修改后的正式评价表.

3. 在这十天过去之后, 经修订的正式评估表格, if any, will be final.

G. 签署正式评估表.  在收到最终的正式评估表后的十(10)个工作日内, 教员必须签署正式评估表, physically or electronically, to acknowledge that the Faculty Member has received and read the Formal Evaluation Form.

1. 签署正式评估表格并不表示教师同意收到的反馈.

2. 教员未在正式评估表上签字不影响正式评估的有效性.

H. 请求非周期正式评估

1. 如果主管在职业对话或正式评估中确定教员没有达到期望, 主管可以选择请求非周期正式评估的选项,并向相应的院长或AVPL提交申请表,以便图书馆教职员工进行非周期正式评估.

2. 主管将在申请表上提供书面依据,并将其与职业对话工作表和/或正式评估一起提交给院长或图书馆教职员工的AVPL。正式评估显示教师未能达到期望和/或缺乏改进.

3. Within ten (10) Business Days, 院长或AVPL将以书面形式决定是否批准或拒绝申请表.

4. If granted, 主管将在院长或AVPL确定主管将安排非周期正式评估的五(5)个工作日内以书面形式通知教员.

a. 如果申请是在春季学期提出的, the Supervisor will schedule the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for the following Spring semester.

b. 如果申请是在秋季学期提出的, the Supervisor will schedule the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for the following Fall semester.

5. 非周期正式评估将遵循上述正式评估的步骤.

6. 基于非周期形式评价, 主管将确定教员是否达到预期.

a. 如果主管确定教员在非周期正式评估中达到预期, 主管将以书面形式通知教员,教员的正式评估时间表将重置为适用的时间段(1).e., 非终身教职人员的非周期正式评估年度起计四(4)年,终身教职人员的非周期正式评估年度起计六(6)年。.

b. 如果主管在非周期正式评估中确定教员没有达到期望, within ten (10) Business Days, 主管将以书面形式通知教员,并:

i. 如果该教员是终身教职或终身教职, 监事可根据《十大菠菜靠谱老平台我们》提出重大处分建议;

ii. 如果该教员不是终身教职或终身教职, the Supervisor may recommend termination of the Faculty Member’s contract; or

iii. If the Supervisor does not recommend a major sanction or termination of the Faculty Member’s contract, 主管必须要求另一次非周期正式评估.

VII. 不续签教师合同. 本程序不影响学院不续签非终身教职员工的合同.

VIII. Records

A. 在本程序中创建或使用的所有文件将成为教员人事档案的一部分,并将存储在学院手册中规定的评估材料档案中,并且是保密的.

B. 除非上文另有说明, 本程序中描述的所有表格必须由VPL批准用于教师绩效评估.

Procedure Title: 全日制教师绩效评估程序

Policy Category: Faculty Affairs

Policy Owner: 教务长/学习副校长

Policy Administrator: 负责学习和学术事务的副校长

Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith; 410-777-2776; 

Approval Date: June 7, 2023

Effective Date: August 16, 2023

History: N/A (previously the procedures for full-time faculty evaluations were contained in the College Manual)

Applies to: All full-time faculty

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: N/A


Relevant Laws: N/A